Our Locations

Makom Afterschool takes place at three different TDSB sites. Pick the one nearest to your child’s school!


Bloor & Bathurst

Downtown Toronto


College & Spadina

Downtown Toronto


Davenport & Ossington

Midtown Toronto


There are several ways that students get to Makom Afterschool.

We are happy to work with you to figure out the best transportation solution for your child.

Students who attend school on site will be met by our teachers upon dismissal and supervised until our program begins.


We will be able to pick up children from a limited number of schools and bring them to Makom Afterschool, either on foot or by TTC.

person walking

We can connect families coming from the same school or neighbourhood to discuss walking together or carpooling.


Transportation provision requires an extra fee and is subject to staff availability.

We prioritize families registered by June 3rd and those routes with most students, so sign up early and spread the word! If your ability to enrol depends on transportation, please contact us before registering.

Transportation routes are finalised each summer based on enrolment.
In 2023-2024, we provided transportation or on-site supervision from the following schools:

  • Da Vinci
  • Dewson
  • Howlett Academy
  • Lord Lansdowne
  • McMurrich
  • Ossington Old Orchard
  • Palmerston Avenue
  • Pauline
  • Perth Avenue
  • Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau
  • Rawlinson
  • Regal Road

We do not offer transportation home from Afterschool.

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