Grades 6-8: Makom ATID
Makom ATID students engage in spirituality, learning, and culture as they discover the wisdom Judaism holds for their maturing minds and bodies in today’s world.
About Makom ATID
Makom ATID offers substantive, nuanced, and pluralistic Jewish learning for its own sake, making Jewish learning meaningful and relevant to contemporary Jewish youth.
We bring together diverse Jewish pre-teens and teens with different Jewish backgrounds and approaches, including those who identify as secular, religiously liberal, and traditionally observant. Everyone is welcome: interfaith families; LGBTQ individuals; students with strong Jewish/Hebrew educational backgrounds and those with no prior Jewish/Hebrew education. Synagogue membership is not required.
In addition to in-depth Jewish learning, students may opt for Hebrew language classes. We offer multiple levels ranging from Aleph-Bet to conversational Hebrew.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
A bar or bat mitzvah is the point at which a Jewish child becomes an adult, taking on the responsibility for their own religious practices and ethical choices. There are many ways to celebrate this milestone, including being called to the Torah for an aliya, reading a Torah or Haftarah portion, or leading the community in Havdalah or another ritual. Rabbi Aaron Levy can help you choose the best option for your family.
Contact Us
Interested in learning more about Bar/Bat Mitzvah learning and opportunities at Makom? Fill out the form below to get in touch.